Online purchase scams occur when fraudsters deceive buyers by offering fake products, non-existent deals, or counterfeit goods on e-commerce websites, social media, or fake online stores. Victims often pay for items that never arrive or receive substandard products.
How It Happens:
Scammers create professional-looking websites or social media ads, luring customers with unrealistically low prices. They may also impersonate legitimate sellers on marketplaces. Payment is often requested via unsecured methods like wire transfers or gift cards, making refunds difficult.
Example of a Scam:
A shopper orders a high-end smartphone at a 70% discount from an unknown website. After payment, the seller disappears, and the product never arrives.
How to Protect Yourself:
- Buy only from reputable websites and verified sellers.
- Check reviews, contact details, and return policies.
- Avoid deals that seem too good to be true.
- Use secure payment methods like credit cards.