Disaster relief scams occur when fraudsters pose as charities helpingvictims of natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, orwildfires. They exploit people’s goodwill by creating fake donationpages or sending emails pretending to be reputable relieforganizations.
How This Can Happen to Us:
Scammers set upwebsites that look identical to real charities, tricking donors intosending money. They may also impersonate disaster survivors and askfor direct financial aid.
Example of Scam:
After Hurricane Katrina,scammers created fake websites claiming to provide relief aid. Theystole millions of dollars before authorities shut them down.
How to Protect Yourself:
Donate only to recognized organizations such as the Red Cross or UNICEF.
Avoid donating through links received via emails or social media messages.
Double-check charity names, as scammers use slight spelling changes to deceive donors.
Look for transparent financial reports from the charity before donating.