Scammers pretend to represent political parties, candidates, oradvocacy groups, requesting donations for election campaigns orcauses. These scams are particularly common during election seasons.
How This Can Happen to Us:
Fraudsters createfake websites and social media pages that mimic real politicalcampaigns. They may call or email supporters, asking for donations to"help win an election." Once the money is received, thescammers disappear.
Example of Scam:
In 2020, fraudsters createda fake website impersonating a major political party, trickingsupporters into donating thousands of dollars. The website was latershut down by authorities.
How to Protect Yourself:
Donate directly through official party or candidate websites.
Check if the fundraising group is registered with the government.
Be skeptical of aggressive donation requests via phone calls.
Verify any political donation campaign before transferring money.