Fakeonline crowdfunding campaigns exploit people’s generosity bycollecting funds for fake causes, personal emergencies, ornon-existent projects. Fraudsters use popular crowdfunding platformsor independent websites to appeal for donations, often usingfabricated stories or stolen images to gain sympathy and trust.
How This Can Happen to Us:
Scammers create emotional or compelling narratives to encouragepeople to donate. They use fake social media profiles, manipulateimages, and even impersonate real people. Once they gather enoughfunds, they disappear, leaving donors with no way to recover theirmoney. Some scammers also create fraudulent business projects,promising early backers rewards or equity that never materializes.
Example of a Scam:
A scammer launched a fake medical fundraiser on GoFundMe, usingstock images of a sick child and a fabricated story. Thousandsdonated, only to later discover the campaign was fraudulent, and thescammer disappeared with the money.
How to Protect Yourself:
Verify the campaign's legitimacy by researching the creator and their previous projects.
Look for official websites or third-party verifications.
Avoid donating to campaigns that lack transparency about fund usage.
Check reviews and comments to see if others have flagged concerns.
Use crowdfunding platforms with strong fraud protection policies.