Fake tech support scams involve fraudsters calling unsuspectingvictims, claiming to be from a reputable tech company such asMicrosoft or Apple. They trick users into believing their computersare infected with viruses or have serious technical issues that needurgent fixing.
How This Can Happen to Us:
Scammers usecaller ID spoofing to make it appear as though they are calling froma legitimate company. They may ask victims to install remote accesssoftware, allowing them to take control of the computer and "fix"non-existent problems. In reality, they install malware, stealpersonal data, or demand payment for unnecessary services.
Example of a Scam:
A user receives a callfrom someone claiming to be from Microsoft, stating their computerhas been infected. They convince the user to install remote accesssoftware and pay $300 for "fixing" the issue, only to laterrealize it was a scam.
How to Protect Yourself:
Never trust unsolicited tech support calls.
Verify with the official company before taking any action.
Do not share personal or banking information over the phone.
Install a reputable antivirus program to detect threats.